Level Up Your Inner Vibe 101

Slow Down, Decrease Stress and Burnout and Lead Your Life More Effectively

What is Level Up Your Vibe 101? Who is it for? What does it cost?

Have you ever felt exhausted and burnt out and wished you could clone yourself so you could focus on yourself a bit more. Truly get quiet enough to listen to your inner wisdom. So you could re-design your life and stress level. And live the way you want to instead of being too drained and too busy all the time?

Our Level Up team at (In)School works with busy and motivated individuals who struggle to accomplish everything they want to accomplish. The people we work with generally understand the value of self-development and health. They are ready to learn how to slow down. However, find it challenging to let go in their quest for getting everything done; putting others needs before their own and being in control even without being hands-on.

We provide a self-paced online education opportunity to time-challenged people. We support you to slow down, take time for yourself, delegate effectively and ultimately become more productive in getting your own needs met. Our team is in a unique position to help our students. Why? Because we have faced the same struggle of not having enough time, struggling to find our own preferred vibe and feeling held back from true success. We have figured out an effective educational process. The Level Up Signature Series can help just about anyone build inner resources, strength, and courage to effectively give you the time you need to grow. In Level Up 101 you will explore your inner world and take time for your mental, emotional and physical health. Doing so will allow your life to prosper in new and exciting ways. All we ask is for the dedication to learn from us! We are here to support you to succeed.

We want you in our Level Up Your Vibe 101 class so we can support you to grow in a new direction to find your unique vibe.

Course starts May 1, 2019.

Limited to 50 Students - Register Now and Secure your Spot!

Course Content

Level Up Your Vibe 101 is a four-component on-line course dedicated to helping you strengthen protective factors that contribute to mental, emotional and physical health so you can successfully achieve change in any area of your life.

Strengthening protective factors allow a person to be resilient in the face of challenges and stress. Someone with a lot of protective factors such as strong relationships and healthy coping skills and mindset will be better equipped to overcome life’s obstacles and sustainably change unwanted habits, patterns and behaviours.

Many protective factors are out of your control. For example, genetics, the neighbourhood where you grew up, and family cannot be changed. However, plenty of factors can be controlled. You choose the people in your life, how to cope with problems, and how you’ll spend each day.

By focusing on what you can control, and building upon protective factors for good overall mental, emotional and physical health, you will improve your ability to cope with many of life’s stressors and make sustainable changes in any are of life.

Component 1: Will help you gain insight into where you are at, what you are doing well, and where you want to go. This component sets the stage for changing a habit or pattern in an area of your life you no longer desire.

  • The Basics and Importance of Building A Wellness Wheel: By going through the Level Up Wheel, you will be able to identify areas of your life that need a little or a lot of TLC. Facilitator: Angela Slade
  • Redefining Everything You Think You Know about Goal-Setting: If you want to change or add a new habit you have to train your mind to have it. In this section you will learn how to undo the stress of "goals" and set a new habit that will become a permanent lifestyle change. Facilitator: Angela Slade

Component 2: You will build self-awareness and strengthen three key protective factors for making long-term changes in life.

  • Find Out What Your Sleep Hygiene Is: Protective factor number one. Sleep is ground zero for everything we do. Sleep problems are fairly common. In fact, one in four people experience sleep difficulties, which include trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, early morning waking, sleeping too much, or restless or unsatisfying sleep. In this section you will learn how to improve your sleep hygiene.Facilitator: Angela Slade
  • Find Your Own Unique Food Rhythm: Protective factor number two. Nutrition is foundational to coping with stress and making long term changes. In this section you will learn to undo food confusion attached to North American diet culture and find your own unique food rhythm. Facilitator: Heather Jacobson
  • The Fundamentals and Importance of Movement and Finding Your Own Groove.Protective factor number three. Daily movement is known to decrease stress and improve overall mood. In this section you will discover what brings you joy and ditch the punishment of exercise by redefining your own groove for movement. Facilitator: Heather Jacobson
  • Beginner’s Guide to Deconstructing Body Image: Body-image gets in the way for many people. It can tie into disrupting the importance of fuelling and moving our bodies. In this section you will receive critical insight into North American culture that will help you re-defining your vision of your overall physical, mental and emotional health. Facilitator: Heather Jacobson

Component 3: You will gain self-awareness of your own emotions and recognition of how they influence the brain, body and mind. You will be able to manage uncomfortable emotions to better regulate yourself in times of stress.

  • Brains, Central Nervous System, and E-Motions: Our brains can be very lazy, rely on old CNS pathways that drive the same emotional responses over and over again. Humans thrive on safety and comfort even when it is distressing and uncomfortable. That's why most people keep doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. You will learn how to hack your brain and central nervous system to learn new coping mechanisms for conflict, anxiety, overwhelm, exhaustion, and stress. Facilitator: Angela Slade
  • Get to Know Your Inner Vibe: Self-awareness building is the key to a solid inner foundation, inner peace, and inner wisdom. In this section you will understand more about self-awareness and the power of gratitude to keep you grounded. Facilitator: Jaclyn Bates

Component 4: Understanding of personal values, and living in accordance with those values is a key factor in making long-term successful change. You will create a clear map for moving forward in life.

  • Getting to Know Your Values and Your Why: Sense of purpose, self-esteem and healthy thinking is required to succeed in long-term change. In this section you create a personal mission statement based on your values that becomes that map for everything you do moving forward - including into Level Up 202! Facilitator: Angela Slade

The first 50 people registered receive 50% off this course. The cost is regular $199.00. If you were to do this type of work one-to-one with the facilitators it would cost you over $1500. We have packaged our knowledge, skills and abilities into an affordable on-line course that is yours for life after you purchase it. The content in this course is invaluable for building protective factors that contribute to good overall mental, emotional and physical health. By building upon your protective factors, you will improve your ability to cope with many of life’s challenges and stressors when changing things you no longer desire in your life.

Registration closes February 28th so register by clicking the link below and join today for $99.00


Like the parable of the frog who finds herself/himself in a pot of water on the stove – when the water starts boiling s/he doesn’t notice the slight increase in temperature, as s/he swims around busily. Until the water reaches unbearable degrees, and without the frog realizing it, s/he can no longer survive.

Level Up 101 - Registration is OPEN

Register Below and Secure your Spot

Any questions, please shoot me a message!

Hope to see you inside (In)School Level-Up 101

Angela Slade, MA, RCC, Founder of (In)School

Who is this Course Designed for:

  • Adults
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Life Coaches
  • Innerpreneurs
  • Entrepreneurs

Time: One component is released per week. Once all components are released you have the course content forever. Go at your own pace.

Your Instructor

InSchool Instructors
InSchool Instructors

Angela Slade

Angela Slade, MA, RCC
Founder, Educator, Therapist, Inner Vibe Guide and Fearless Leader of this Amazing Team!

I am Angela Slade. I am the Founder of (In)School. I created the school for people who believe that working on themselves brings a better quality of life, peace of mind, and deeper connection to self and others.

At (In)School, our team puts care and attention into course content by keeping up to date with the latest in personal development, and mental health education and research. We stay relevant in our fields of study, so we can break things down into easily digestible pieces. Our aim is to help you easily integrate knowledge and gain sustainable results.

As Educators, therapists, coaches, and inner vibe guides we are committed to help you be the best version of yourself.

Angela graduated in 2006 with distinction from Vancouver Island University with a Bachelor of Arts in Child and Youth Care. I trained in Business at Business Works in 2007 and successfully launched my first business in 2008 (www.esteemedchics.com) and Esteem Child and Family Services.

She received an entrance scholarship to complete my Master of Arts at the University of Victoria and successfully defended my Master’s thesis is 2011. In 2011 I received my Registered Clinical Counselling designation through the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC).

Angela is a member of the BCACC, The Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and The International Counselling Association.

Angela is trained in a variety of therapeutic modalities including but not limited to: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Mindfulness Based Therapy, Trauma Informed Therapy, Art and Experiential Based Therapy, Gestalt, Family Systems Therapy, Metaphysical Anatomy, Neurobiological approaches, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.


Deon Soukeroff, MA, RCC
Registered Clinical Counsellor
Child, Youth & Family Specialist

Deon Soukeroff has over 15 years experience working with children, youth and families. She graduated in 2007 with honours. She completed her BA in Child and Youth Care and in 2017 a Masters in Counselling Psychology. Deon is a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. She utilizes trauma informed approaches, attachment theory, and developmental theories in all her work. Deon’s speciality lies in Emotion Focused Family Therapy where parents are empowered to gain valuable skills for supporting their child or youth’s emotional needs. This approach teaches hands on skills to parents who have children dealing with a myriad of mental health concerns and holds a deep belief that parents have everything within them to support their children. Deon has a private practice in Vernon, British Columbia.

Deon enjoys reading, swimming, travelling, spending time with family and friends and being in nature as much as possible. Deon lives in Vernon with her husband, dog and two cats.


Jaclyn Bates, MA, RCC (Candidate)
Clinical Counsellor & Youth Specialist

Jaclyn has over 12 years of varied experience working with children, youth and their families. She graduated with honors in 2007 with her BA in Child and Youth Care and in 2018, graduated with her Masters in Counselling Psychology. Jaclyn will have her Registered Clinical Counsellor with the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors in 2019.

She utilizes a person-centered approach as to best match her clients needs and incorporates aspects of cognitive therapy as well as mindfulness into all of her work.

Jaclyn has extensive experience supporting youth and young adults struggling with a variety of mental health conditions as well as treating those living with chronic pain. She has a strong belief in the inner strength that all of her clients possess and is passionate about supporting clients to grow and change.

Jaclyn is a Clinical Counsellor in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Jaclyn enjoys traveling, cooking delicious food, drinking tea, and spending time with family and friends whenever she can. She lives in Vancouver with her husband.

Course Curriculum

  Welcome to Level Up Your Vibe 101 - Understanding Your Life Map
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Redefining Goal Setting - Creating Direction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Sleep - Life's Battery
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Nutrition, Movement & Body Image - The Fuel of Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Gratitude & Self-Awareness - Expanding Your Mind Transforms Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Self Care - Life's Maintenance Tips
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Values - Your Life Guide
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Thoughts & Emotions - Tools to Regulate Inner Life
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Bringing it All Together - How's Your Inner Vibe?
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
I have questions who do I ask?
You can e-mail Angela Slade directly at angela@angelaslade.com and she will be happy to answer any questions you have.

The Level Up Signature Series is for people who believe that working on themselves brings a better quality of life, peace of mind, and deeper connection to self and others.

Our focus is for you to have the inner vibe and lifestyle you want without the stress or burnout.

Our team puts care and attention into our courses by keeping up to date with the latest in personal development and mental health education and research. We stay relevant in our fields of study so we can break things down into easily digestible pieces so you can integrate so you can gain sustainable results.

As Educators, therapists, coaches, and inner vibe guides we are committed to help you be the best version of yourself.

We are looking for a small number of people to join us for Level Up 101. We will open registration on February 1st 2019 and close registration on February 28th.

Level Up 202-505 are offered to anyone who completes Level Up 101. We want to people succeed. Therefore, Level Up 101 will open and close for registration in order to guarantee we can dedicate our care, attention and focus on your success in the program.

Level Up 101 Course starts May 1, 2019.

Pssst...Level Up 202 registration opens April 15, 2019

Get started now!